Tuesday 18 February 2014

I'm confused about my guy

Jenny says:
The beginning of January I met a guy on tumblr. He randomly followed me and I decided to follow him back. After a few weeks of him following me, I decided to send him a message telling him I liked his blog. He replied and thanked me. I replied and said you're welcome. He ended up introducing himself to me and we exchanged KIKs. He lives in Canada and I live in California. It's now been a month since we began to talk and he's so nice to me. We don't talk everyday, mainly on the weekends because we're both busy with school and stuff. We end up talking for hours on KIK. He tells me I'm cute and sweet. He thinks I'm lovely. He told me he enjoys talking to me. We exchanged Skype names and sometimes we talk on Skype for hours. He calls me babe/baby. He also gets jealous when I mention my guy friends. Sometimes he gives me the "just friends" card and then he gives me the "more than friends" card. We've had intimate conversations (phone sex) over the phone too. I've told my best friends about this and they all tell me he likes me, but I don't know. Help? I'm confused. I'm starting to really like this guy. 

If you are looking for certainty and security, I'm afraid there isn't any. Relationships is a risk business! When it starts to get serious, it sometimes evokes panic and fear. This is understandable when there are absolutely no guarantees. Some relationships are passionate then fizzle out. Some start as a friendship that grows into more and lasts forever. You name it, and a relationship has gone that way for somebody.

I think you have fallen for this guy and it's frightening you, because when you fall for someone you lose some control. No one can say if it would work out or not. The bottom line is, follow your heart not your fear. Life's a risk. If the prize is worth the risk, and the heart says GO, hold your breath, close your eyes and take that plunge into the dark. I hope it leads to happiness for you.

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