Tuesday 21 January 2014

Am I really her best friend?

TheAwesomeGuy says:
Okay, I have a best friend who texts other people while she's in school, but she won't answer me. She had no problem texting my sister in school yesterday, and today she wont text me? But she'll text my other guy friend and can answer questions on Ask. fm? Btw, she doesn't know that I'm asking her the questions cause I never told her that I had one and cause i'm asking anonymously. Anyways I asked her like 10 questions and the last one she answered was list your top 10 best friends and I was the 4th one, if I'm her 4th one why wont she text me but others?
Additional Details
I'm not texting her anonymously. I'm asking her questions anonymously on ask 

This is a simple one. She's NOT your best friend. Let her go and move on.

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