Wednesday 21 May 2014

My friends' bad grammar drives me nuts!

Brooke says:
I am the smartest out of all my friends my age, but that isn't very hard.. I don't know why I'm not at the same intellectual level as them, we've all had exactly the same education... I don't care that they don't get A's, or that their thought processes are a little behind mine, but some things they do irritate me quite a lot. I'm a bit of a grammar nazi, and my friends write posts using "there" in the place of "their" and "they're". They say "actual" instead of "actually".. For example: "I'm actual so tired". They say "you's".. "You's guys are my best friends!"

I don't know why this annoys me so much but it does! I know I haven't got perfect grammar, and I don't structure my sentences correctly all the time but..
I think I'm worried what they say will rub off on me..

So, why do they talk like that? It's a recent thing.. Why don't I? Their families don't speak like it..
And how can I get over it? 

You have a personality trait called "obsessive-compulsive" - you are a "place for everything and everything in its place" kinda person.
This is how you are and there's nothing you can do about it! However, to get by in society you are going to have to practice disciplines of acceptance. Firstly you have to accept yourself for how you are and how you like things, and as far as you can, have it that way. Be open and honest about it and true friends will understand. Secondly you have to accept that you live in a world full of people not as exact as you are!

Divide your world into a personal space where everything is how you want it and a social space where you have to wear a "space-suit of tolerance". Live a balanced life where you spend time equally in both. Talk to other similar obsessive-compulsives online and share experiences. Also look up the work of obsessive-compulsive comedian John Richardson on You Tube.

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